Our design philosophy

At COMINFO, speed gate solutions are primarily designed to ensure people's safe and comfortable passage and guarantee maximum security of the premises.

Therefore, we always keep both sides in mind when designing our solutions - the investor, who needs to elegantly secure and protect his property, and the visitor or employee, who wants to walk pleasantly and without complications to the designated location.

We emphasize security


The essential features of speed gate solutions are people's safety and property security. Our products are therefore equipped with advanced optical sensors that detect and prevent any attempts at unauthorized passage. They can also be integrated with a range of our own and third-party technologies - for example, an access card reader, a facial recognition terminal, or a fingerprint reader.

We think about visitor convenience


At the same time, we care when designing solutions to make them as pleasant as possible. This is why we use light and sound signaling to continuously guide and inform the visitor about the next steps before entering, and during the speed gate passage. We can also integrate our solutions with information displays that show the visitor or employee, for example, the number of the elevator they are to enter, and the elevator is automatically called.

We know no limits to design


We can adapt all our solutions to the architect's or investor's ideas. We can change the shape, spray any color, choose a unique finish, design bespoke lighting clad in wood or stone, and engrave a company logo or slogan... always according to your needs.

Read more about how we at COMINFO approach the design and manufacture of access solutions in our Art of Security document.

Download the Art of Security
PR and Communication:Jakub Vičíkjvicik@cominfo.cz