Redesigned & Reinforced: Get to Know the New COMINFO Logo

A few years back, COMINFO became a proud member of GUNNEBO Entrance Control. This year, we have taken the final step of the acquisition by showcasing the partnership in our logo.

The change is quite subtle yet effectively communicates the interconnection between the two brands.

The COMINFO + GUNNEBO acquisition has opened access to a profound knowledge base for both parties. We share know-how and inspire each other.

Communicating our alliance with GUNNEBO Entrance Control makes the COMINFO brand even stronger.

The Brand Name Stays Intact

The Brand Name Stays Intact


Instead of the security first tagline, we’re moving to By GUNNEBO Entrance Control — so that the association between the two brands is obvious at first sight. 

The word COMINFO itself is not changing at all. We’re keeping our characteristic bi-colored second O and the overall color scheme. At first glance, the new logo is indistinguishable from the previous one.

Speaking of not changing, our philosophy doesn’t shift at all! By removing the security first tagline, we’re not losing our focus on top-notch security.

PR and Communication:Jakub Vičí